

Cash Out is an option that provides players the possibility of payout before the beginning of the matches or the matches that are in play, as long as the status of the ticket is unknown, unfinished.

Cash Out is not available for the tickets that have the status “loss”

When Cash Out is Completed, the amount that counts is the amount that player took by using Cash Out and afterwards results have no impact (influence) on already accepted payout (amount).

Cash Out is available on all our betting shops, and our web site and through our app.

Bolabet will not be responsible if Cash Out Is not available due to technical reasons. Display of the Cash Out will be visible regardless if it is available or not.

Cash Out – Rules and Conditions

The amount that will be offered as Cash Out by Bolabet depends to performance of the player, it can be bigger amount or smaller amount regarding paying and it provide guaranteed winning or minimize the potential lost, and depends of more elements:

1. Time when the ticket is paid

2. Amount that is paid on the ticket

3. Number of the matches on the ticket and their value (odd)

4. Number of the matches on the ticket that have not started yet and their value (odd)

5. Number of the won matches on the ticket and their value (odd)

6. Number of the matches that are in play and their current value (odd)

7. Bonus on the matches on the ticket

8. Bonus on the won matches on the ticket

9. Benefits on paid amount on the ticket (promotions, voucher, freebet bonus etc…)

Bolabet is not obligated to accept every Cash Out demand of the player

The player is not obligated to accept every Cash Out amount.

The player is limited with number of Cash Out demands in certain period of time depending on the status of the matches that are on the ticket.

If the ticket is played via Freebet funds, Cash Out will be paid out based on the rules of Freebet betting. Example: Freebet stake is K100, Cash Out amount offered is K500. K100 is back on Freebet account and K400 is transferred to the cash account.

Once accepted Cash Out can not be canceled or payed out again.

Because of the possible technical problems or an obvious mistake in Cash Out option, Bolabet reserves the right to suspend possible payout, to make a correction of the odds in the matches that were in play and based on that to make new Cash Out offer on determined way.

Every attempt of illegal Cash Out or other way of abuse is strictly forbidden. In that case, Bolabet reserves the right to afterwards suspend possible Cash Out, to make a refund of illegal payout to the player that abused Cash Out on any way (Example: Cash Out on the ticket that already had a “loss” status, Cash Out on wrong processed results on the match, Cash Out on the tickets that are paid in via benefits or similar).

Additional Explanation

How to make a Cash Out demand on betting shop?

Player is obligated to show the worker a ticket on which he demands Cash Out. The worker reads via bar code the ticket and tells automatically offered amount that player can accept immediately or to send a demand after he receives an information of the offered amount. Player can accept or decline the offered amount in period of 15 seconds. For all played tickets Cash Out can be demand only on betting shops where that ticket is paid in. If a player declines Cash Out, the worker returns the ticket, if he accepts Cash Out the worker hold the ticket and player receives a payout slip.

How to make a Cash Out demand via online betting on or mobile app?

For player to make a Cash Out demand via online betting on or mobile app he must be logged in on his online account. In “Recent tickets” where you can see all your tickets there is a button (icon) “Cash Out”. If you see the offered amount on the icon, it means that a player can immediately pay out the specified amount.